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What do you know about the industry classification of three-dimensional flexible welding tables?

Time:2024-04-01 02:29:44 Author:Fadetong Clicks:71Second-rate

The three-dimensional flexible welding table industry is mainly divided into: three-dimensional flexible welding table for the sheet metal industry, three-dimensional flexible welding table for pipeline welding and three-dimensional flexible welding table for engineering machinery, three-dimensional flexible welding table for port logistics equipment, elevator Using a three-dimensional flexible welding table.

These are professional industries using three-dimensional flexible welding tables, accounting for a large proportion of actual use!

The three-dimensional flexible welding table used in the sheet metal industry is mainly a lightweight three-dimensional flexible welding table with a small load-bearing capacity. It is mainly used for thin plates, assembly, and docking. This type of three-dimensional flexible welding table is the most widely used!

Three-dimensional flexible welding tables for pipelines generally have holes. The holes can be used with fixtures to position pipes, flanges and various accessories, etc., which can improve the accuracy and efficiency of welding!

The welding of engineering machinery is generally a heavy-duty product, and three-dimensional flexible welding tables are all weighted. Welding fixtures are used the most, among which support angles are the most. The production of engineering machinery requires professional brackets before the three-dimensional flexible welding table can be used. The weighted welding load is main feature!

The elevator manufacturing industry is inseparable from the three-dimensional flexible welding table. The elevator has a long frame and requires multiple splicing of three-dimensional flexible welding tables. It can carry heavy weight. The main feature of the spliced three-dimensional flexible welding table is that it maintains high precision!

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